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Steam System Reliability

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Steam Trap Testing

Successfully Testing Steam Traps With High-Frequency Ultrasound When using high-frequency ultrasound, the main question is where the sensitivity should be set to conduct the test. If the testing instrument is set to
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Steam Leakage Cost

Steam and Condensate System Leaks Are Unacceptable in Today’s Steam System Operations:   Leaks are unacceptable in today’s industrial steam and condensate system. In fact, steam leakage is considered abnormal in daily plant
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Flash Steam Recovery

Steam System Engineering Flash Steam Recovery From Steam Processes


Unit Heater


Industrial plants are focused on steam system optimization to improve safety, increase production, enhance
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Industrial Boiler Installation

Watch a boiler to be removed and a new boiler installed at a production plant operation.
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Steam System Safety Valves

PROPER SIZING AND INSTALLATION FOR STEAM SYSTEM SAFETY VALVES Introduction to Safety Valves One of the most critical safety devices in a steam system is the safety valve. Figure 1
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Compressed Air System Leakage Assessment in 12 Steps

Compressed Air System Leakage Assessment Compressed air is one of the principal forms of energy used in industrial processes. It is often the most expensive when evaluated on a per-unit, energy
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No. 50 – Steam System Process Control

1. STEAM PRESSURE CONTROL The majority of industrial steam systems will have a pressure-reducing valve application. High-pressure steam is reduced to lower-pressure steam for a process or heating application. Used throughout
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No. 49 – Steam Process Control

The technical paper Steam System Process Control provides a basic understanding of the different process control schemes used in a typical steam system. The technical paper is just an overview
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No. 47 – Part B Shell and Tube

SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER (STHE) - Part B A shell and tube heat exchanger (STHE) consist of several different components and each component needs to be evaluated in
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